Share Your Story

Your time studying abroad is full of countless firsts, new experiences and exciting opportunities. We are looking for students to share these stories and experiences with us, even the challenging times or insightful advice you may have developed. We want to showcase our current or past study abroad participants to weigh in, from a student's perspective, on all the benefits and challenges, highs and lows, of study abroad. Show us a cool place you visited, or something new you learned, or your tips for future students. Join us in highlighting GW's global community!

By submitting this form, you are authorizing us to use your photos, captions and name on our social media, website, or promotional materials. If you have additional photos to share to accompany your story, please do so with our form below.

Student Type
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Story Type
Type or paste your story into the box.
This is the caption that will accompany the post on social media.
Optional -- If you would like to be tagged in the post on Instagram, please include your handle.