Final Exams and Farewells

March 9, 2025

student and friend posing during sunset at a garden in France

The Gardens at the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France

the Eiffel Tower in Paris at night
The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France

Hello! My name is Jacob Halter, I’m a third year student, currently studying abroad at Sciences Po in Paris, France for the full year. I am currently approaching the end of my first semester here and I wanted to reflect on my experience and share insights on academics abroad. 

One thing to mention about studying abroad at Sciences Po is the difference in how you are graded compared to GW. I find that in France, oral exams are much more prominent as the professors want to see your ability to retain and convey the information in a meaningful way through a class presentation. Majority of my courses here, the presentation grade accounts for about half of my overall score but also because of this I have become a much better public speaker. 

water lilies painting by Monet in a musuem
The Water Lilies by Claude Monet | Musée de l'Orangerie



During the finals schedule here, life can feel quite hectic as I am trying to spend all the time I can with my friends who leave during the end of the semester while also studying for finals. The finals schedule at Sciences Po is quite spaced out, where I go 13 days between two of my finals with no class! It was really difficult to say bye to people I just met in August but felt I had known forever. Also, the probability that I wont see them for a long time because we live across the world but I cherish the memories I was able to create with them!


student with friend in picture smiling

One of my favorite memories I was able to create was meeting one of my dear friends, Becca, in Prague. I had such an amazing time meeting all the Prague locals with her and her hometown friend who studies at NYU Prague. One of my favorite things about Prague besides the fact the city is rich with history and stunning architecture was the fact the people are so passionate about their support for Ukraine. For instance, on the majority of the menus, Moscow Mules had been changed to Kyiv Mules. Also, the people donate their extra money to help Ukrainians who have been suffering through this brutal invasion, which I find virtuous.

view of the canal in Prague
Čertovka in Prague, Czech Republic


I'm truly grateful for this experience and would recommend it to anyone as Paris is the perfect base to travel to see all of Europe, and the academics at Sciences Po are rigorous yet rewarding. Also, the city is just beyond beautiful and I never feel bored because there is always something to do/see!


Jacob Halter
Academic Year 2024-25
GW Paris - Sciences Po (GW Study Program)
Elliott School of International Affairs
International Affairs and Economics Double Major