A Day Trip to Bath

June 6, 2024

A view of Bath, United Kingdom

A view of Bath, United Kingdom

I was very fortunate to be able to travel to several countries while I was abroad. The convenience of being in London when it came to traveling was not something I took for granted, and I have seen so many cities I wouldn’t have if not for studying abroad. However, the trip that was possibly my favorite was a day trip I took to Bath. Bath is about 1.5 hours outside of London, and was a place I knew I wanted to visit since before I began my semester abroad. With a very quick train ride under £100, it was definitely my least expensive trip too.
The day I went to Bath was a warm and sunny day in the UK, one of the first I had experienced since arriving. The views in Bath were breathtaking, from the amazing architecture to the greenery all around. Although I loved being in London, it was nice to be away from the hustle and bustle and get some fresh air. This day in Bat, there was a street market that took up about four streets and sold everything from artwork to cookies. We got gyros and fresh lemonade and paid £2 to sit in Parade Gardens. We explored the Roman Baths and sat on a bench outside to watch street performances. To end our day in Bath, we went on a long walk along the canal and saw the buildings featured in Netflix’s Bridgerton as well as the apartment Jane Austen was rumored to live in. We ended the day with a Sunday roast back in London, and this was definitely one of my most treasured days abroad!


Alyssa McNaught
Spring 2024
GW England - King’s College London Health and Society (Study Program)
Milken Institute School of Public Health
Public Health Major