Besties Abroad

May 20, 2024

A bus terminal in Rome

A bus terminal in Rome

Getting the opportunity to study abroad is an incredibly exciting experience, but being lucky enough to also have friends abroad makes the process even more fun! While studying abroad in Milan, I was lucky to have my friend, Joey, studying close by in Rome. Both in Italy, it made it so much easier to visit. Though I also had other friends abroad in other countries, exploring more of my host country made me fall deeper in love with the culture I had been introduced to throughout the semester.

I took an early bus one morning to get to Rome. It was spring break, and I was excited to finally have a free weekend to visit. When I got to the bus terminal in Rome, I immediately could feel the difference between Northern and Southern Italy. The weather was beautiful, and the warmth only matched the city’s atmosphere with so much history. Milan was a lot more urbanized (a lot like DC). On the way to his apartment, I was struck by how beautiful everything was: the churches, cafes, streets. We immediately sprung into action once I finally got to see him in his apartment, right next to Vatican City. He had been studying at Luis University for the full year, whereas I was only at Bocconi for the spring (so naturally, there was a lot to catch up on). We talked about everything: the new friends we’d made, the trips we’d been on, the (amazing) food we’d tried, everything. It was like no time had passed.

Getting to visit friends in their home cities makes trips much more interesting. With people you trust, you might feel a degree of openness knowing that you’re being steered in the right direction. In Rome, I felt like I was getting an insider’s look into a city with so much to offer. We went to restaurants that were “secretly so good,” bars that had “the best” drinks “ever,” and hidden gems around the city that I probably would have never discovered had I not gone with someone who lived there for as long as he had. This isn’t to say we didn’t stumble into new favorites during our trip. Wandering around the city, we found ourselves running into some amazing art galleries and vintage stores: all adding to the fun of the trip.

With the insight and experience of having been there for so long, Joey gave me a better idea of Roman life. The experience also inspired me with a new hope as I look ahead to post-abroad life. Having been able to visit, I know now that even as we lead different lives in different cities, we still can get together to make up for lost time. What I also took away from my trip to Rome was that there is so much to explore and so much excitement in wandering around, not just in Milan. As I sat reflecting on my bus ride back home, I realized that in 3 years of being at GW there is still so much of DC that I haven’t yet explored. I’m excited to return to DC and harness the same energy that brought so much joy to my life exploring Milan to reintroduce myself to DC.

Until then, I’m excited to plan for Joey to visit me in Milan.


Jack Couser
GW Exchange - Bocconi University
Spring 2024
School of Business
Marketing Major