At the end of my semester abroad, I know my time at University College Dublin was well spent. I have had excellent teachers, interesting topics of study, and real opportunities to grow through my experiences. Though, beyond just my classes, that final point is the most salient. I applied to UCD due to what it had available for courses, and my interest in the area. With it being a semester, rather than a full year, I needed to take the initiative about what I wanted to see and do. Early on, that could be a bit difficult (try to go to the National Botanic Gardens around when the Autumn semester starts, rather than later); that does not mean such experiences are not worthwhile (the Gardens still had a grand array of specimens, and the greenhouses should look lively year-round).
Once I adapted to the area, I was also able to take more appreciation of my surroundings. Sometimes, your daily life can drown out what’s interesting about your environment. Taking that setting for granted risks losing memories or stories you could have made. I think I will remember the magpies that were endemic to campus, or how different the skyline in Dublin could be from New York City, or even one of the cats on campus walking past me. Taking interest in these smaller moments can be integral towards larger events or happenings. Fostering that curiosity builds a real connection, towards what you will (and want to) remember about your time in a new country.
Miles Stennett
Fall 2024
GW Exchange - University College Dublin
Columbian College of Arts and Science
Political Science Major