As I begin my second semester at Sciences Po, I’ve been reflecting on some of my favorite moments from the past few months. One of the most surreal? A study tour in Brussels as a Gilman Scholar in the EU.
I was honored to be one of 20 Americans selected for this incredible opportunity. Over the course of three days, we attended briefings on professional and academic opportunities in the EU, led by experts from the College of Europe, the Fulbright Schuman Program, and the Erasmus+ Programme. We also met with high-level officials from both the EU and the United States who work to strengthen transatlantic ties.
Some of the highlights included:
🇪🇺 A visit to the U.S. Mission to the European Union, where we talked with Deputy Chief of Mission Norman Thatcher Scharpf and heard from Nathaniel Haft, a Gilman alumnus now serving as Political Unit Chief.
🌍 A conversation with Ruth Bajada, Deputy to the Director of the Americas and Head of Division for U.S. and Canada at the European External Action Service. She’ll soon be joining us in Washington D.C. as the next Deputy Ambassador!
🇮🇹 Meeting MEP Brando Benifei from Italy, who represents the voice of European citizens in the European Parliament and serves as the Chair of the Delegation for relations with the United States.This study tour, organized by the European Union Delegation to the United States and the U.S. Department of State, reinforced my passion for EU-U.S. diplomacy. It was truly an unforgettable experience—one that wouldn’t have been possible without the Benjamin A. Gilman Inttional Scholarship Program. (Be sure to apply by March 6!)
Bronwyn Metz
Academic Year 2024-25
GW Paris - Sciences Po (GW Study Program)
Elliott School of International Affairs
International Affairs Major